No More Excuses

No More Excuses

All that stands between your determination and your goals are your excuses. This time, don't give up on your goal to get a healthier, more-fit body. Here are a few tips to reach your goals.

Pick the right diet for you and stick to it for the rest of your life. Don't think about it as a diet but as a way of life. If you are overweight, probably you've been eaten too much of the wrong foods for too long. While it's true that you might be overweight due to a disease or the wrong diet, there's a way to fix this. Many people think that what they have been eaten since they were very young is healthy because they are not ill at the present time.

However, some foods contribute with empty calories, in other words, they don't offer the nutrients your body needs, but they do contribute with the necessary calories to keep functioning. These foods with no nutrients must be eliminated from your shelves, refrigerator and shopping lists forever, not during the time of diet. It's a mistake to think that after dieting, you are going to stuff yourself with chips, hamburgers and sweets.

While you can still have unhealthy foods from time to time as a guilty pleasure, they must remain as that, just a guilty pleasure and under no circumstances must be the core of your daily diet. Why? Because those are bad habits and you will gain weight back again, plus they silently damage your health in terms of cholesterol, blood pressure, insulin intake, which can potentially lead to diseases.

Willpower isn't voluntary, but necessary. If this is not your strong suit, you need to drum it up. This can only come from you. You cannot buy or get it from anybody. Every time you are tempted to slack off or quit, or are simply discouraged, you have to shake off what you want at that moment and focus on your long-term goal and think of how that would obstruct it. Then start over with proper attitude which values your goals of good health and an admirable physique over a temptation of having something tasty for 10 seconds in your mouth. Remember that it takes 21 days to create a habit, then everything will be easier. However, it only takes one day to break a habit.

Eat to to keep for being hungry, not to satisfy it. Many people make the mistake of becoming really hungry before eating. This is reason number for overeating and eating the wrong things such as fast foods, over-salted, over-sugared, and processed foods. The solution is to eat often enough to keep you from getting hungry - five or six times a day.

Follow one simple rule every time you eat. Nutritious meals, smaller than the combined volume of your two fists, should be seen as a fuel to whatever activity you are going to do next. That way you can measure how much food you should eat at one sitting. You shouldn't have to waste your time counting calories, just know what type of food and the quantity of it that you have to eat.

Masks for the Skin of your Face

Masks for the Skin of your Face

Our face is the first part of us that people see and the first image by which they judge us. Therefore, the skin of our skin is kind of our cover letter. It must look its best and it must reflect our nicest qualities.

Here are some masks you can make at home to make the skin on your face look fabulous:

If you want to soften your skin, you need a spoon of natural yogurt, a teaspoon of honey and about 10 to 12 drops of lemon juice. Mix all these ingredients until you get a homogenous paste. Apply to your face for 30 minutes and then you will feel your skin much softer than before.

You can do the same with only one natural yogurt. Apply it to your face for 15 minutes. Do this every day to have a perfectly soft skin.

If you suffer from dry skin, do not despair. There are many options to moist your skin. First, you can make your own avocado cream for your skin help moisturize it. This cream is mostly used on dry skin and all you need is half an avocado and a spoon of olive oil. Crush it until you get a homogenous paste. Then apply it on your face for 15 minutes. Use lukewarm water to wash it off.

Also for dry skin, you can make your own peanut cream. This cream is recommended for dry skin that needs moisturizing. Crush two spoons of peanuts, one spoon of olive oil and another spoon of honey. Mix all the ingredients until the paste is homogeneous and apply the paste to your skin and neck. Leave it on your skin for 15 minutes. Wash your face with lukewarm water. 

To cleanse your pores, prepare a homemade honey and milk mask. This mask will not only cleanse your skin, but also it will also clean your clogged pores. All you need is one spoon of honey, one spoon of powder milk and one egg white. Mix them well and leave them on your skin for 15 minutes. Then, wash your face with lukewarm water to clear it from the cream and then refresh your face with cold water to help close your pores now that they are clean.

If you have oily skin, then you should opt for a cucumber and apple mask for skin. Grab a red apple, half a cucumber and a few drops of lemon juice. Once you have blended everything together, leave it in the fridge until it gets cold. Then apply it on your skin and leave it on it for 20 minutes. Then wash it off with lukewarm water. 

Alternatively, also for oily skin, you can opt for a yogurt, lemon, orange and carrots mask. Mix lemon juice, orange and blend carrots with yogurt. Then mix everything and apply the mask on your skin. Leave it on your skin from 10 to 15 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water.

How to Protect Your Lips

How to Protect Your Lips

Fresh and soft lips are intrinsic to a sensual woman. With the dramatic changes of temperature or after being exposed to the Sun, lips tend to dry up more than usual.

Lips are constantly exposed to external agents such as wind, cold and heat, and they are in contact with the drinks and food we have. Therefore, you must pay attention to everything that can damage them.

The external skin that covers the lips is extremely delicate and it needs special care to avoid bothersome cracked or splitting lips.

Dried lips reflect the lack of moist in the skin that covers them since it lacks certain glands responsible for producing sweat, melanin and keratin. Therefore, the skin is unprotected and can easily get infections if its under bad conditions due to a lack of hydration. 

When you want to relieve the pain and irritation, the most obvious solution is to lick your lips. However, this makes it worse since saliva evaporates quickly, dehydrating the lips. In this case, the best option is to apply lip balm since skin cannot repair itself without moisture.

Dehydrated lips, however, can also be caused by dehydration of your body. In this case, the best option is to eight drink eight glass of water of day, even during winter.

Other factors include vitamins A and E deficiencies, tobacco, aging and movements we make with our lips.

If your lips are cracked, chapped or colorless, you must exfoliate them. Remember that no treatment will be effective if you haven't eliminated the dirt and dead cells that are on the skin. The same happens with the lips that require an adequate peeling.

Be aware that many skin care products, including lip-gloss and lipstick, can cause irritation. To test if this is the reason, try going without your lipstick or lipgloss for a few days and check if there are any changes on your lips.

Make-Up Tricks to Look Younger

Make-Up Tricks to Look Younger

As time goes by, you start noticing changes in your skin: it loses its glow, wrinkles start to appear along with stress lines, flaccidity and other effects of aging on skin.

Therefore, a touch of subtle make-up helps any woman look better. The secret lies in using soft and natural colors that blend with the skin and give it a peachy look.

Follow these tricks to give your skin a fresh and bright look:

Choose light and bright foundation to give your skin a moist look. This way, your skin will also seem healthier and moisturized. As we get older, our skin gradually loses its moist becoming dry and dull. For that reason, we need moisturizing foundation that gives us a fresh and bright look.

Most experts agree that you need to pick a foundation that is lighter than your own skin tone. According to Armani, one lighter skin tone means 10 years younger.

Apply dark spot corrector in the areas where you start seeing the aging stains. Try to precise, however. Corrector should only be applied precisely on the darker spots, until it blends with the make-up.

The corrector must not be applied all over the dark circle under the eyes, but on the area that is closer to your nose, in the corner of the eyelid.

Use a corrector that is lighter than your foundation and spread it under your eyes towards your temples. This will brighten up the expression of your eyes in a subtle way. However, just be careful not to use an extremely light tone as it would only highlight your flaws.